Fisher/Wall Art Gallery

Trust Company

Proudly Sponsored by Trust Company Family Offices for the 2023/2024 Season

Regional SAQA Indiana • Michigan • Ohio present "A Drop of Emerald Poison" Art Quilt Exhibit

May 13 - July 26, 2024

Monday – Friday, 11 AM – 4 PM*

FREE and Open to the Public

*We encourage visitors to verify gallery hours due to events and activities that may temporarily prevent gallery access, especially around the holidays. To verify hours, call the Ticket Office at 419.423.2787 ext 100.

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In 1775 the color, Scheel’s Green, was discovered and later in 1814, the much-improved Paris Green was developed. Both pigments were created by chemists and produced a remarkable shade of emerald green by combining chemicals that produced arsenic poison. This vibrant green was extremely popular among the privileged because it symbolized royalty and wealth. Despite the deadly drawbacks, fashions, wallpaper, soaps, paints, and toys were produced in abundance. Factory workers who produced these commodities as well as consumers suffered severe side effects including death. By the end of the 19th century, the deadly greens were replaced with less toxic pigments and dyes.

The art quilts produced for “A Drop of Emerald Green” have just a touch of today’s safe emerald green as a reminder of the tragic history of the color green.

Hidden Dangers by Karen Hampton

A World Without Color by Kathy Veenstra

Doors on Delancy by Beth Schillig

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